Monday, May 5, 2008

Mommy Diaries: Time flies when...

The old adage "time flies when you’re having fun" certainly is pertinent to child-rearing. I battle time everyday. Is it time for lunch, diaper changes, naps or playtime? The word is on the tip of my tongue at all times, see I did it again.

Mostly I wish I had more time. Being a stay-at-home mom and work-at-home mom, most of every second of my day is filled with something. And, when the day is finally over around 8 pm, then it's time for my husband. The poor cats don't get any time; they've been dropped from the schedule. And, my household duties, well, those get probably as much time as the cats. How can we do-it-all moms manage?

As ridiculous as it seems, I have started to treat my weeks like I am back managing clients at an ad agency. I make to do lists and I organize them by importance. I even put Lillie activities on the list, so at least I have a fresh batch of ideas to pull from for the week. The most insignificant items go on the list, do laundry, wash and chop fruit, call daycare.

When I do stay on top of my lists, my weeks are so much better. I'll actually get things done that have been weighing on my mind, and every once in awhile I have something super precious, free time.

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