Friday, September 7, 2007

A new Chief of Fashion Police?

SWA UniformLet me start by saying that I don’t condone young ladies wearing skirts shorter than the ones sold at Two Blue Peas. And heaven knows how much I loathe the whole thong above the ultra low rise jeans thing. But is it really anyone else’s business to lecture a 23 year old woman on proper dress for flying the evidently not so “friendly skies”?

In case you’ve been buried under a floor-length skirt and turtleneck all day, Southwest Airlines pulled a passenger from a flight because her outfit was too revealing. Sure her choice of clothes was not the first thing I personally would have grabbed from my closet to wear all day on a plane, but I bet something I’ve worn at one time or another has made someone else think the same thing.

That’s beside the point. Since when was Chief of Fashion Police added to the SWA employee roster? Unless someone’s fashion faux pas is directly threatenting my family’s safety, I’d prefer flight attendants and airport staff stick to the really important stuff. Say, checking to make sure all my 1 oz tubes of lip gloss are securely packaged in a Ziploc bag. Or practicing the monologue of cheesy pre-flight air jokes that threatens the safety of my sense of humor.

P.S. – Last time I checked, high-waisted pleated khaki shorts paired with a collared polo shirt is a direct violation.

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