Friday, February 1, 2008

Live and Learn?

Is it the old saying that goes 'live and learn'? Since Lillie is growing up and getting more and more independent, I struggle with this. Do I hold her hand every time there's a step or let her figure out how to get down? Is that piece of cracker too big or should I break it? Can she go down that slide by herself or should I hold her hand? These are the struggles I deal with everyday.

My husband is of the mind-set that we let her learn and if she falls, chokes or cries that's part of it. Being her main protector for 16 months, its really hard for me to let her be in a situation where she could hurt herself. And, I'm not talking about walking through fire or swimming alone in a pool, its the little decisions everyday.

So, a perfect example, yesterday I was going down the little slide with her on the playground. She was doing great and really not needing any help from me. My internal protector said, keep helping her she's little. And, then my husbands voice appears, 'No, let her do it. She needs to learn.' Giving in, I let her try the next slide by herself while I waited up top. Wouldn't you know her little foot gets caught as she speeds down the slide and lands face first in the pile of woodchips. Hysteria breaks out. Other parents are watching and probably thinking what an idiot mom!

Live and learn certainly is a good way to think. But, for now I think I need to 'Serve and protect'. How can I not? Look at that face.

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