Monday, August 11, 2008

Mommy diaries: A little whine and cheese

Oh, terrible two's how do I loathe thee? I remember my mom saying I was really good at whining. Her friends used to comment on it and my ever patient mother learned to ignore it, I suppose. As genetics would have it, Lillie has discovered the fine art of whining.

It's not necessarily what my little one is whining about, its usually the tone. There's a place in your middle ear that vibrates severely as your little one whines at a high pitch. I read an article on BabyCenter recently that was describing how toddlers actually don't know the difference between whining and normal speak. And the way to curb it was to remind them to speak in a normal tone once the whining begins.

So, I tested this wonderful idea on Lillie. Not happening so much. Somehow if my little stinker isn't getting what she wants, the whining still continues. Normal tone reminders and all. And the more she whines the quieter I talk, so she can hear the difference.

I guess this is one of those things the two's bring us that are a little unpleasant. If this is as bad as it gets, then we will be doing just fine. From what I hear, however, two year olds find more tricks up their ole sleeve. I think I might purchase some earplugs.

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